What is Slow Food and why should I join?
Slow Food internationally is a coalition of ideas with a large membership of like minded people. They express their views on food through the notion of Good, Clean and Fair. There are web addresses on earlier postings for you to source further information.
Slow Food Jersey supports these ideas and its members want to learn more about food. How it is grown or produced, how it is made and to be provoked into thinking what all this means to us and our community.
We have one of the biggest Conviviums in the UK but we are always looking for new members. The cost is minimal and some treat it as a charitable donation but for others it is about gaining access to areas that the public would not normally see.
At the recent London Conference I was struck by three things in particular;
How passionate everybody was about spreading the word of Slow Food and how personally worthwile they had found it. People talking to people is always a good thing.
How several of the producers/farmers/growers said they felt rewarded when the public came to visit as it validated their existence. So few have direct contact with the public. Something I had never considered before.
Lastly that most of us have become so far removed from truly understanding and appreciating all the aspects of what it takes to put food on our plates. We need to re-establish the connections and understand that for ourselves and our children good food (moving our diets away from processed goods) clean food ( grown in the most organic and sustainable way) and fair food (grown in the most economically viable way where a fair price is paid to the producer) has to be the way forward.
If you have just come across this blog and would like to join or know more please call me on 515151 or email me at rod.bryans@live.com
We would love to hear from you.
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